Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Go Vote Today (for Stein)

Just go vote for the person you think will make you happy or healthy or wealthy or less marginalized.

I was a Bernie supporter. I was positive he would have changed things for the better. He was the only scandal-free candidate and it seemed like the bigger his crowds got and the more state primaries he won, the more electoral votes Hillary got. WTF? It seems the system really is rigged (Jesus Christ, is Trump right?)

I’m not voting for Hillary because she thinks $15 bucks an hour is too high of a minimum wage for working class stiffs of America, but thinks its normal for her to earn around $1000 dollars a minute talking to wealthy corporate thieves. (Yes … that says per minute, motherfucker)

I’m not voting for Trump because he’s too rich to really give a fuck about poor people or homeless people or working people or struggling people. He sends jobs overseas because that’s what wealthy companies do – that’s how they make money. And Mike Pence spends every waking minute trying to control women’s reproduction as if that’s the only issue in America. Any man who devotes that much time to worrying about uterine activity has perv stamped all over him.
I’m not voting for Gary Johnson because the “Take Care of Yourself” mentality of the Libertarian party doesn’t sit well with my “Let’s Help Other Humans” mentality. Interestingly, Johnson wants less government interference in the lives of citizens, but is okay with big brother interfering and controlling women’s reproductive freedoms.

BTW, Gary, here’s a picture of Aleppo for you you fucking idiot
New York Times photo
I'm voting for Jill Stein. She’s the only one that holds my values, is concerned about people other than herself, and has faith in humans to strive and flourish if given a fair chance in life. I trust her, I like her, and I’m voting for her. For all the Hillary people saying, “A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump”, I say, “Go fuck yourselves. A vote for Jill is actually a vote for Jill.”

See you at the polls. Go vote - for whoever you think will help you.

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