Thursday, October 17, 2013


Wow, I've been sweatin' it out for 16 days now. My life has been turned upside-down with the government shut down and all. I wasn't sure if Dunkin' Donuts and the gas stations would still be open, but they were. I didn't know if I'd be able to drive on public roadways, if the public library would still be standing, if the sky would close up or some workmen would come and remove all the guardrails from the highway. Shit, what if they take away all the exit signs on I-95? Then what? I ran to Walmart and stockpiled a bunch of food ... just in case. What if zombies show up ... will the National Guard still come and help us?

I was scared. Really scared. Thank gawd it's over now.

But, it seems like nothing really changed during the shutdown. Did it? Besides some Republicans worrying about some medal-decorated gents not being able to get into a National Park. (They could have gone any time before or after the shutdown, but I guess that just HAD to go during the shutdown for some reason <wink>).

Anyway, my life didn't change. And lucky for all of our legislators -- who earn a minimum salary of $3000 dollars a week -- that a bill exists that doesn't allow them to not be paid, even during government shutdowns (boy, that's a really lucky break for them). Their lives definitely didn't change.

And those same legislators helped some struggling, out of work, government employees during the shutdown by telling them to apply for public assistance, get some food stamps, go to food pantries. Damn good advice, that is. Then, we could call them deadbeats and drug test them and tell them they're what's wrong with America. Oh, yah. Good times here in the free world.

Now, that I have all this food stockpiled, I better start eating it before it spoils.

I think I'll have red herring for dinner.